Olivia Join web designer Olivia as she cooks up delicious recipes made special with her two children - plus plenty of tips and tricks she's mastered as both a hobby cook and professional web designer.



This delicious toddler recipe from Australia, Spritzkuchen, is an easy yet tasty treat that your little ones will love. It’s a fun twist on the classic pancakes or muffins featuring a sweet mixture of shortbread biscuits, butter and sugar. Just pop it in the oven and enjoy the rich, appetizing aroma that sets in your house! It’s an ideal snack, dessert or breakfast dish, and best of all, it’s full of kid-friendly flavours! So why not give this fun toddler recipe from down under a try today?

General Information

  • Servings: 4
  • Keywords: spritzkuchen, cake, pastry
  • Calories: 250
  • Protein: 3.2g
  • Carbs: 54g
  • Fats: 6g
  • Preparation time: 10 mins
  • Cooking time: 20 mins


  • 2 medium eggs
  • 150g plain flour
  • 125ml vegetable oil
  • 150g of plain yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of baking powder


  1. Preheat your oven to 180C.
  2. In a large bowl crack both the eggs and lightly beat them.
  3. To the beaten eggs, add the oil and yogurt and mix everything together with a spatula.
  4. Sift the plain flour and add it to the bowl.
  5. Add the baking power and using a whisk, mix everything until you get a homogeneous batter.
  6. Grease a baking tin with some vegetable oil spray.
  7. Pour the batter into the tin and put it in the oven until it is baked. (It usually takes around 20 minutes, so in the meanwhile you can start preparing the sides for the spritzkuchen!)
  8. After 20 minutes, use a toothpick to check if the cake is baked. If the toothpick comes out clean, then the cake is ready. If it doesn’t, put it in the oven for a few more minutes and check again.
  9. Once the cake is baked, remove the tin from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes.
  10. Cut the cake into small pieces and serve it with some sides of your choice.
  • Fresh fruits
  • Ice cream
  • Hot chocolate or coffee

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