Steve Steve, an account manager and dad of two, offers simple, yet inventive recipes to fill your nights with delicious family meals. With his diverse cooking background and skills, he'll help you take your meals from mundane to masterful.

Rice and Cannellini Beans

Rice and Cannellini Beans

This blog post on Toddler Recipes Australia showcases a tasty and nutritious dish – Rice and Cannellini Beans. Perfect for little ones, this recipe is packed with protein, iron, fibre and other essential nutrients. Also super easy to make, follow the simple instructions for a delicious meal that your toddler will love!

General Information

  • Macronutrients: ProteinIronMagnesiumFiber
  • Calories: 400
  • Serving Size: 4
  • Cooking Time: 45 minutes


  • 100 grams (about ¼ cup) dried Cannellini beans
  • 25 grams (2 tablespoons) olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
  • 225 grams (about 1 cup) white long grain rice
  • 450 milliliters (2 cups) cold water


  1. Soak the Cannellini beans in water for at least 8 hoursor overnight. Joke: Q: What did the bean say when it saw the water? A: Ok beans!

  2. Preheat the olive oil in a medium-sized saucepan over low heat.

  3. Add the Cannellini beans and black pepper to the saucepan and stir gently to coat the beans in the oil.

  4. Increase the heat and bring the mixture to a boil.

  5. Reduce heat and simmer the beans for 25 minutesstirring occasionally.

  6. Add the rice and water to the saucepan and stir to combine.

  7. Bring to a low boilreduce the heatand cover the saucepan.

  8. Simmer for 15 minutesor until the rice is cooked through and fluffy.

  9. Serve! Joke: Q: Why don’t beans get invited to parties? A: Because they’re a bit of a ‘bean-eater’!

Enjoy your nutritious and tasty Rice and Cannellini Beans!

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