Steve Steve, an account manager and dad of two, offers simple, yet inventive recipes to fill your nights with delicious family meals. With his diverse cooking background and skills, he'll help you take your meals from mundane to masterful.



Looking for a delicious and nutritious meal that both toddlers and adults will love? Look no further than Kohlrouladen for toddlers! This easy-to-follow recipe combines tender cabbage leaves stuffed with a savory mixture of ground meat, rice, onions, and seasonings, creating a flavorful and satisfying dish that is sure to please even the pickiest eaters. With simple ingredients and straightforward instructions, Kohlrouladen for toddlers is a perfect meal to introduce your little ones to new flavors and textures while also providing a balanced and wholesome meal for the whole family. Give this recipe a try today and watch as your toddlers gobble up every bite!

General Information

  • Servings: 4
  • Keywords: Kohlrouladen, cabbage rolls, healthy, toddler-friendly
  • Calories: 300 per serving
  • Protein: 15g per serving
  • Carbs: 25g per serving
  • Fats: 15g per serving
  • Preparation Time: 30 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 1 hour


  • 1 small head of green cabbage
  • 500g lean ground chicken
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 1 carrot, grated
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 cup low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1 tbsp olive oil


  1. Start by boiling a large pot of water. While waiting for the water to boil, carefully remove the outer leaves of the cabbage and cut out the core.
  2. Once the water is boiling, carefully place the whole cabbage into the pot. Let it cook for about 10 minutes, or until the leaves are soft and pliable. Remove from water and let cool.
  3. In a mixing bowl, combine the ground chicken, chopped onion, grated carrot, black pepper, paprika, and garlic powder. Mix well until all ingredients are evenly distributed.
  4. Take a cabbage leaf and place a spoonful of the chicken mixture in the center. Roll up the leaf, tucking in the sides as you go, to create a cabbage roll. Repeat with the remaining cabbage leaves and chicken mixture.
  5. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Place the cabbage rolls seam side down in the skillet and brown on all sides.
  6. Once browned, pour the chicken broth over the cabbage rolls. Cover the skillet with a lid and let simmer for about 45 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and the cabbage is tender.
  7. Serve the Kohlrouladen hot and enjoy!
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Steamed vegetables


  • Why did the cabbage win the race? Because it was always ahead!
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