Olivia Join web designer Olivia as she cooks up delicious recipes made special with her two children - plus plenty of tips and tricks she's mastered as both a hobby cook and professional web designer.

Gâteau Breton

Gâteau Breton

Introducing the delicious, healthy and easy-to-make Gâteau Breton for toddlers! This traditional French cake is made with natural ingredients, such as flour, eggs, butter and sugar, to provide a nutrient-rich snack that won’t break the bank! Rich in fibre, calcium and B-vitamins, Gâteau Breton will make a perfect addition to any toddler’s meal. So whether you’re in Australia or around the globe, check out our blog Toddler Recipes Australia for the full recipe and more nations’ recipes.

General Information

  • Servings: 5-6
  • Keywords: Gâteau Breton, French Cake
  • Calories: 270
  • Protein: 4.4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 42.3 g
  • Fat: 8.7 g
  • Preparation Time: 20 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 40 minutes

Ingredients -°110 g Butter -°90 g All-purpose flour -°75 g Almond powder -°250 g Full-fat milk -°3 Eggs, size L -°Nutmeg -°Skipjack salt


  1. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 375°F
  2. In a bowl, mix together the butter and the all-purpose flour until you get a crumbly consistency
  3. Add the almond powder, 3 eggs, and the milk into the mix
  4. Incorporate the nutmeg and skipjack salt into the preparation
  5. Grease a cake tin with butter to avoid the cake sticking to the pan
  6. Pour the mix in the cake tin and smooth the top out with the back of the spoon
  7. Place in the oven for 40 minutes
  8. Take out of the oven, let cool for 5 minutes and enjoy!

Recommended Sides -Crunchy Apple slices -Fresh Honeydew Melon slices -A glass of Milk

Pull up a chair and put down your napkin! This Gâteau Breton is almost ready…just remember, don’t skip any steps or it’ll be a flop! And if things don’t turn out like you expected, don’t worry—just tell your kids it’s a ‘modern art’ piece and call it a day!

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