Steve Steve, an account manager and dad of two, offers simple, yet inventive recipes to fill your nights with delicious family meals. With his diverse cooking background and skills, he'll help you take your meals from mundane to masterful.

Cheese Fondue

Cheese Fondue

Bring the family together with Toddler Recipes Australia’s delicious Cheese Fondue! This easy and fun recipe is perfect for toddlers and grown-ups alike, and makes a great starter or main course for your next family gathering. Keep the kids entertained with this cheesy and melty concoction, and add some fresh veggies for a complete meal. Get the full recipe and start cooking today!

General Information

  • Servings: 4
  • Keywords: Cheese Fondue, French, Kids, Vegetarian
  • Calories: 420 kcal
  • Protein: 20g
  • Carbs: 10g
  • Fats: 30g
  • Preparation Time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 20 minutes


  • 500g of Gruyère cheese, grated
  • 250g of Emmental cheese, grated
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 250ml of dry white wine
  • 25g of cornstarch
  • Ground pepper, to taste
  • 100g of cherry tomatoes
  • 50g of mushrooms, diced
  • 20 fresh basil leaves


  1. Start by grating the Gruyère and Emmental cheeses. Make sure that they are all the same size for easy melting.

  2. Take a medium-sized pot and add the white wine. Wholeheartedly crush the garlic clove into the pot before turning on the stove to medium heat.

  3. Once the temperature is reached, add the cheese to the pot and stir constantly until melted.

  4. In a small bowl, mix the cornstarch with two tablespoons of cold water.

  5. Slowly add the cornstarch mixture to the pot and stir. This will help thicken the cheese fondue.

  6. Add pepper and other seasonings, to taste.

  7. Add the tomatoes, mushrooms and basil leaves to the pot and stir for a few minutes until all ingredients are combined.

  8. Pour the cheese fondue into a fondue pot and place it over medium heat.

  9. Serve with bread, boiled potatoes, and/or pieces of vegetables.

Recommended Sides

  • French bread
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Pieces of vegetables

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