Steve Steve, an account manager and dad of two, offers simple, yet inventive recipes to fill your nights with delicious family meals. With his diverse cooking background and skills, he'll help you take your meals from mundane to masterful.



This blog post is a must-read for Australian parents looking for a delicious treat for their toddlers. Introducing Birnenstrudel - a classic German strudel filled with sweet poached pears! This easy-to-follow recipe is a family favourite for young taste buds and is sure to become a regular in your home. Get the instructions and give your toddlers a treat that not only tastes wonderful but is also healthy!

General Information


  • 4 mid-sized ripe pears, peeled and cut in half
  • 80g vegan margarine
  • 125g gluten-free flour
  • 2 tablespoons of agave syrup
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut cream
  • 80g of vegan butter
  • 70g crushed hazelnuts
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg


  1. Preheat your oven to 180C (356F).
  2. Cut pears into eighths and set aside.
  3. In a bowl, mix together flour, vegan margarine and enough water until the mixture becomes crumbly.
  4. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough until it’s thin and wide.
  5. Place the rolled dough on a greased baking sheet.
  6. Spread the agave syrup and coconut cream evenly over the rolled dough.
  7. Place the pear slices on top of the syrup and cream mix and sprinkle with ground cinnamon, nutmeg, and hazelnuts.
  8. Place the vegan butter in small pieces on top of the pears and sprinkle again with cinnamon and nutmeg.
  9. Fold the sides of the dough over the filling, making sure that the edges are sealed to keep the filling from spilling out.
  10. Bake for 30 minutes and let the strudel cool before serving.

Enjoy the Birnenstrudel with some almond milk ice cream for the perfect combination of sweet and nutty flavors. Bonus Family-friendly Joke:

Q. What did one autumn leaf say to another? A. I’m falling for you!

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